Corporate Mindfulness

Breathe Life Into Your Business

The working world has changed, almost overnight. Now, more than ever, leaders and their organizations around the globe are experiencing the negative ramifications on mental health and wellbeing as a result of the rapid change in the business landscape over the past 24+ months.

With more to do, less time to do it in, more complexity and moving parts, the push and pull between the high-demands of work, relationships, family and finances can often feel overwhelming. In this seemingly impossible struggle, the effort required to keep up often results in the depletion of energy and leads to greater levels of fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression.

A mass resignation in which more people are looking for other alternatives that bring them life/work balance. This has a created a mental and financial tension that permeates throughout the organization, its leaders and employees as well as its customers and clients.

In this new paradigm of working from home, less interaction with one another, coupled with the ongoing uncertainty of whether or not jobs will even be there tomorrow, employees (and executives) have a substantial addition of stress leaving them feeling stagnant and unmotivated. Regardless of the shifts, we are expected to put our heads down and forge on.

And while mindfulness programs in the workplace have been growing in popularity, and for good reason, we have a new set of needs to deal with that many of these programs and not able to address. Meditation, yoga, and other movement practices are what first come to mind, but for many, they are daunting, only address a small portion of our needs, and require a good amount of time and space.

This is where breathwork comes in and steals the show. It’s a high-impact, low effort short-cut to self-regulation, clearer thinking, improved focus, and increased level of energy. It can be that key to get your employees back on track, re-establish the bonds to ourselves and our teammates that we’ve lost and thus give your company a competitive edge. And there is no barrier to entry – it can be done by anyone, from anywhere, and at any time.


Whether you’re an entrepreneur, leader, seeker or anyone in between, this personalized 2-hour Gene Keys reading will give you real-time guidance and insights on your Gene Keys profile to help you better understand your unique gifts and how you’re designed to operate in the world.

During the session, Christopher will provide intuitive guidance and weave together perspectives on various aspects of your Gene Keys profile to support you leveraging your higher purpose in this lifetime.

What You'll Receive

  • Live, 2-hour Zoom session (replay sent after)

  • Personalized Gene Keys profile overview

  • Somatic breath meditation and attunement

  • Audio contemplations & self-discovery prompts

  • Complimentary Gene Keys book